Unsentimental Discarding: How To Lighten The Load On Moving Day


Moving to a new home isn't just about getting all your possessions from point A to point B. The trick is to discard as much as possible from point A, leaving you with fewer possessions to pack and transport, and therefore less work for you and your movers. So what are some effective ways to get rid of the things you don't need? Downsizing Your Furniture You need to make the distinction between what you want and what you need.

22 December 2022

4 Mistakes People Make When Storing Art, and Tips to Avoiding Them


You can store a wide array of items in a storage unit, as long as you organize them beforehand. Putting art in storage is one of the processes that need a lot of care because art is fragile and can suffer damage without proper care. First, you should store your art in climate-controlled units because that is the perfect way to ensure you do not lose your valuable assets. Additionally, avoid the following mistakes for the best storage experience.

17 June 2022